527 Len Self Blvd, Midland, ON, L4R 5N6.

Six indoor courts.

Left side of the curtain Competitive and right side of the curtain Recreational

Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 PM starting September 13, 2023 until May 15, 2024

Fridays from 12:00 to 2:00 PM starting September 15, 2023 until May 17, 2024

Saturdays from 7:00 to 9:30 PM starting September 16, 2023 until May 18, 2024

Sundays from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM starting September 17, 2023 until May 12, 2024

To find out which nights are  not available to us, click this link: Calendar of Events

Club MAP members play for FREE, No drop-ins.


Rotation of players at NSSRC (per each side of the curtain or per 3 courts)


7 or less players waiting, 1 rack for all players:

  • Losers of the game always sit down and place paddle in rack

  • Winners may only stay for 2 games in a row

  • Winners stay, split up, ask for either 2 or 3 players to join them

  • Regular games to 11 points


or more players waiting, 1 rack for Winners, 1 rack for Losers of the game:

  • All 4 players come off, 4 new players go on

  • Games to 9 points and no 2 points difference

Here are some guidelines to help you decide whether to play in the Competitive or Recreational streams:
  • If you are consistently winning most of your games on the Competitive side, you are playing on the correct side.
  • If you are consistently losing most of your games on the Competitive side, you may want to try the Recreational side 
  • if you are consistently winning most of your games on the Recreational side, you may want to try the Competitive side

As always, we ask that you be mindful of beginners. All of us start out as beginners and our club wants to embrace
and support people who are new to the sport.


We are a Not-For-Profit club, and the fee is based on covering our expenses which include gym rentals, insurance, banking fees, website fees, equipment and new indoor balls.

1.  Our preferred option:  

     Email e-transfer to:  mapickleball@hotmail.com

     Password should be our favourite sport, co caps.

2.  Cheque made payable to Midland Area Pickleball Club. Seal in an envelop with your name on it and hand it to one of our Directors

3.  Cash. Seal in an envelop with your name on it and hand it to one of our Directors


We are looking forward to another year of safe and enjoyable play!

Your Directors:
Helen Proctor - President
Stewart Young - Vice President
Kathy Wolfer - Secretary
Erika Stoer - Director-at-Large
Ed Cramm - Director-at-Large

Dealing with different abilities/seriousness of level of play

There are generally speaking 3 broad groups of players in our club (once they get over the beginner level):

Recreational players - Intermediate level players who are interested in a less serious style of play.
Competitive players - Intermediate level players who are interested in a more serious/competitive style of play, with attempts to play third-shot drops, lengthy dinking games, use of strategic power etc.
Advanced players, who would be ranked as at least high 3.5 players and higher. 

See the following link:   https://www.usapa.org/skill-assessment-sheets/  for helpful skill assessment explanations.

While there are benefits to players with different skill levels playing with one another, we believe it is also important to make sure that players of all abilities have sufficient opportunities to play games at a suitable competitive level.  

The busiest time of the year is usually between March to May, when the snowbirds return, and the outdoor courts are not yet open, and we want to try to make sure that court time is also allocated fairly.  

Here is how we play in 2022-2023:

On the right side of the curtain:  Three recreational courts for the "less serious" intermediate players

On the left side of the curtain:  Three competitive courts for the “more serious” intermediate/advanced players

The executive of the club does not want to get into the business of telling people where they can and can’t play  You can self select for which court you wish to play on, but please try to be respectful of the concept that all players should have the opportunity to play with similarly skilled players.  On the other hand, advanced and “more competitive” players should respect the fact that the club as a whole benefits when more skilled players also play with people who might not be at their level as it helps all players develop their skills.

Players can move back and forth from one type of court to another during the course of an evening if they wish, provided that in doing so they do not jump the queue in the court that they are joining.

Obviously, there can be some flexibility so that if a court is not being used and other players are waiting to play, then the court can be reallocated (for example if players are waiting to play on the competitive side, and a court is empty on the recreational side, then the competitive players should use that extra court.)  The club executive members can help with issues such as this as they arise. 


Beginners will be encouraged to come to Monday nights at Victoria Harbour until they learn the basics of the game, but if beginners do come on Rec Centre nights the executive may put together a group to assist beginners, and ask for the use of a court for a short time to give them an introduction to the game.  All players are also encouraged to include and help beginner and novice players.

Respect and Resolution of Disputes

Please treat your fellow players respectfully.  If disputes arise between players and you are unable to respectfully resolve the matter amongst yourselves, please approach a member of the executive to make a decision.  That executive member may or may not choose to consult with other members of the executive.  Once the executive member makes the decision, please respect the decision even if you disagree with it.   You should feel free to follow up with the president (Helen) by email if you think there is a broader problem that needs to be resolved, but the decision of an executive member should be accepted as final on the night of play. 

midlandareapickleballclub.ca © All rights reserved.

Designed and updated by Helen Proctor.

Comments and questions are appreciated.

Last updated: April 6, 2024